Catherine Kelly was born in Ballinarugary on March 13th, 1866 and immigrated to the US in 1887. Below is a copy of her baptismal certificate that Anastasia Walsh Sheridan requested from St. Senan’s.
Peter, Anastasia, Richard and John lived in Arderra, not far from St. Senan’s.
Pete and Karen Walsh went to Ireland in 2023 and met up with distant cousin Alice Kelly Walsh. Alice provided the map above, photo of the homestead and a partial family tree:
The Kelly homestead in Kilmacow. Farmhouse is in the center.
Peter Walsh, wife Anastatia and son Richard arrived in Philadelphia on May 13th, 1884. Peter and Anastatia would have been considered elderly in 1880’s Ireland. Perhaps their son John was already in Philadelphia and with little money to their names, it was worth the risk of a 6-10 week voyage.
Thanks to Kate and Pete for sending me the information.